“Lollipop” is an old, catchy, and well-known song that has been featured in several movies, shows, and advertisements and also altered in the original style of the song based on its different uses throughout the years.
This hit song in 1958 was written by Julius Dixson and Beverly Ross, Ross, although being one of the writers, was also featured in the song alongside Ronald Gumm. The “duo” stood out amongst others because they were an interracial duo, which was not something common you’d see during this time. The original “Lollipop” was recorded by Ross and Ronald but was then recorded by The Chordettes with the addition of all the popping sounds within the song.
“Lollipop” was first featured in a 1986 film, Stand By Me, later followed by a 2009 advertisement for Dell. “Lollipop” continues to see its way in the 21st century but with a dark twist. It was featured in a hit 2017 show, Riverdale, as a creepy ringtone. Then again in the 2020 horror film, The Turning, as the film’s distorted and horrific trailer theme song.
Sabrea is a Junior at Rowan University, currently majoring in Writing Arts. She began as a psychbio major in pursuit of her passion for animals, but later on found herself becoming an RTF major in pursuit of her other passion, movies! However, after taking a creative writing course at Rowan, she came face to face with her true passion, writing! In her free time, she likes to bake, rollerskate, and spend time with her cats/family.