“The Way You Look Tonight,” was originally written for the movie, “Swing Time,” that came out in 1936. It was written by Jerome Kern, lyrics were written by Dorothy Fields, and it was originally performed by Frank Sinatra. Since this song is from the Jazz genre, it has a catchy, swinging tune to it. This song “won the Best Song Oscar,” in 1936, the same year that, “Swing Time,” premiered. There have been multiple artists who have made their own renditions of this song, including Bing Crosby. In his rendition of this song, Crosby sings with his wife, Dixie Lee Crosby. “The Way You Look Tonight, has become a timeless classic, as it is still rather popular, even though it is almost 100 years old.

Melody is a Junior Elementary Education Major and her dream job is to be a 1st grade teacher. She loves to travel and experience new things. Even though she’s only been a couple of times, Disney World is her home away from home. She also loves animals. She loves the movie Tangled so much, that she named her dog Maximus after the horse in the movie. One of her favorite things to do is listen to music. Her favorite artists include Taylor Swift, Rascal Flatts, Switchfoot, and The Piano Guys. She also loves to listen to anything Disney. Her favorite song of all time is “It’s Gonna Be Okay,” by The Piano Guys.