“W-O-M-A-N” distinctively feminine nature: womanliness, an adult female. Blues, R&B, soul rock and roll, jazz and gospel embodies the name Etta James.
Etta James was a stage name derived from her birth name Jamestta. She was inducted into the Rock and Roll of Hall of fame in 1993 where only the most credible musicians are selected.
Etta James, once called, “the greatest modern blues singer’ had her ups and down. She was a product of teenage pregnancy leading up to becoming a foster child, also suffered abuse; however, that did not subscum her fire.
Etta arose to a W-O-M-A-N……
Having a profound music career, at 73, James was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease, which is the reason her son claimed she criticized Beyonce. In proceeding her deaf former President Obama, said James would be remembered for her voice and music that transcends genres.

Jennifer is an Elementary Education major at Rowan University. She like to listen to a variety of music genres such as soul, jazz, hip hop etc. When Jennifer was younger she loved too dance to music along with her friends. Currently, Jennifer attends Zumba class twice a week to stay in touch with music and dance. He days are brighten when she dances to music. When she dances she imagines begin on stage, as one of Jennifer Lopez background dancers