The famous song Singin’ in The Rain had two main composers, the music for this song was written by Nacio Brown and the lyrics to the song was written by Arthur Freed
Freed got the inspiration for this song when he was sitting at his shop looked out the window to see a man getting poured on and he began to dance happily in the rain
I found it very interesting how this song was created and then two decades later was made into a movie.
Doris Travis is 96 years old and can recall her performance in a music show called “The Hollywood Music Box Revue,” She says she was the first person to ever perform the song on stage
Many people say that 1926 is the songs release date because of Doris Travis’s performance.
The song appeared in seven MGM movies. But there’s one version people seem to remember the most and that was the performance by Gene Kelly in the famous movie Singin’in The Rain
Carly is a Junior at Rowan University and studying Elementary Education with a dual majors of Writing Arts and Liberal Studies. She has no preference in music, if she likes it she will listen to it, it doesn’t matter the genera or age of the song. When Carly isn’t at school or work she often spends her time being active by hiking or working out. When doing this she always enjoys listening to music. It is safe to say music has a big influence on her life.