The Phono Project

Exploring the history of the groove

“Love and Marriage” by Frank Sinatra

Love And Marriage was recorded by Frank Sinatra in 1955 and was first performed for the public in the same year in a musical television production of Our Town. It was written by Sammi Cahn and composed by Jimmy Van Heusen. Since 1955, the song has been recorded several times by many different artists, even being recorded by three different artists that same year. Dinah Shore recorded the most popular version next to Sinatra’s in the same month. Love And Marriage won an Emmy for Best Musical Contribution in 1956 for it’s inclusion in that televised production of Our Town) Sinatra recorded two separate versions of the song; one for Capitol Records (the original that aired on television) and another for his own record company, Reprise Records. Most notably, the song was chosen as the theme for the sitcom Married WIth Children in 1986. The show ran on FOX for 11 seasons until 1997, making it the longest running live action sitcom for the network.

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